Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well today my entire flight was paid for. Yay! Now to start fundraising to pay it back ;) I even get to over night in Ft. Lauderdale and as I have never been to a warm ocean with sand and palm trees I am pretty excited! I will have the day to toodle around and check it out. God is Good :) It's funny how some things in life simply fall into your lap but others are such a struggle. It doesn't always make sense but then I'm not in charge (which is a very good thing).. I also spoke to the organization with my sponsor child and that seems more simple than I expected too! The trip just gets better and better.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This is us. :)
I recently found out I get to go to Haiti this summer!! I am super excited and hope to scoot over to Guatemala for a few days first! I have friends who have started a school there and I want to visit and encourage where I can! I might have the opportunity to teach english, mow lawns and have a haircut day at the school! This is pretty amazing news as Haiti is on my bucket list! In addition, I will have the oppportunity to meet both of our sponsor children! Also on my bucket list! ;)

Monday, May 28, 2012

I don't know if anyone will actually read this. I am new to the "blog" world. Apparently another "thing" I should do as a preacher's wife haha. I am a brand new PW and just started reading You can still wear cute shoes by Lisa McKay. After looking at her page I felt maybe I should try this as it seems a lot of PWs are.
So here we go...