Thursday, July 5, 2012

Here we go...

Well it’s official.

 After moving our family 1200 km away from home, selling our home and business, quitting our jobs, 4 years of college and a one year internship, my husband is a pastor. And more unlikely, I am a pastor’s wife! We started with our new family July 1st. It was exciting seeing my daughter on the worship team and my husband welcoming everyone to the service. I smiled, thinking this is it. This is why we came and I thanked God for His faithfulness and provision.  It’s been a long tough road but it was well worth seeing Chris up there living out God’s plan for his life. I am sure it will sometimes be tough and sometimes we will want to walk away but I am looking forward to the blessings and wonderful times as well. I still don’t know exactly where I fit into this… I don’t play music or sing… I am not a Sunday school teacher… but I am sure God will show me my place soon enough J. Until then I will practice the precious nuggets I am getting in Lisa McKay’s book “You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes”…
Maybe I will start with a trip to the mall for a pair of cute shoes ;)