Thursday, July 5, 2012

Here we go...

Well it’s official.

 After moving our family 1200 km away from home, selling our home and business, quitting our jobs, 4 years of college and a one year internship, my husband is a pastor. And more unlikely, I am a pastor’s wife! We started with our new family July 1st. It was exciting seeing my daughter on the worship team and my husband welcoming everyone to the service. I smiled, thinking this is it. This is why we came and I thanked God for His faithfulness and provision.  It’s been a long tough road but it was well worth seeing Chris up there living out God’s plan for his life. I am sure it will sometimes be tough and sometimes we will want to walk away but I am looking forward to the blessings and wonderful times as well. I still don’t know exactly where I fit into this… I don’t play music or sing… I am not a Sunday school teacher… but I am sure God will show me my place soon enough J. Until then I will practice the precious nuggets I am getting in Lisa McKay’s book “You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes”…
Maybe I will start with a trip to the mall for a pair of cute shoes ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Living life with the fuel light on...

Proverbs 30: 8&9
Remove far from me falsehood and lying;
give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,
lest I be full and deny you and say "Who is the Lord?"
or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.

 I was recently reading other PW's blogs trying to find some to connect with.. And I came across this verse posted.
 The poverty and riches this verse talks about sums our life up. See, we used to have full time, well paying jobs when God called Chris into ministry... We sold our business, Chris quit his excellent job, sold our house and we moved our 2 kids to the city to become students. Now our months are often longer than our money and we dont get to do all the things we see other families doing. I would love to say I am daily thankful for God's blessings but I am sure I grumble more than I give thanks. I don't like living my life with the fuel light on.
 However our faith has gone from lukewarm (at best) to hot (notice I didn't say red hot). I would also love to say I have a daily red hot faith but it seems belongings and money don't give you that. Nor does the lack. I desire what this verse says but what I desire more is the satisfaction of resting in God's provision. Not worrying about more month than money, what my kids are missing out on, that new outfit at the mall or even what the plan is (this is something I think I will need to let go of as a PW). I like to have a plan. Doesn't have to be huge. Just like a plan.
 I am realizing as we head into this new adventure God has for us that money, plans, desires etc need to be surrendered. For me that may be moment to moment right now.

Monday, June 4, 2012

It's amazing how God will heal those things you think are untouchable in you. This week he answered a 22.5 long prayer for me. Something I didn't think could be healed or maybe something that I didnt even deserve healed. You see I gave a beautiful daughter to another family 22.5 years ago... Now I know everyone says it's a blessed, selfless thing to do.. that it's for the best for everyone involved.. I have to admit it does not feel that way. Or at least it didn't in my case. It lacerated my soul. It lacerated her soul too.
We have reconnected after many hurts and years and now I believe we will never let go again. Neither of us know what this will look like now that she is an adult, but I believe we are both excited to discover our new life together. We both feel whole again.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well today my entire flight was paid for. Yay! Now to start fundraising to pay it back ;) I even get to over night in Ft. Lauderdale and as I have never been to a warm ocean with sand and palm trees I am pretty excited! I will have the day to toodle around and check it out. God is Good :) It's funny how some things in life simply fall into your lap but others are such a struggle. It doesn't always make sense but then I'm not in charge (which is a very good thing).. I also spoke to the organization with my sponsor child and that seems more simple than I expected too! The trip just gets better and better.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This is us. :)
I recently found out I get to go to Haiti this summer!! I am super excited and hope to scoot over to Guatemala for a few days first! I have friends who have started a school there and I want to visit and encourage where I can! I might have the opportunity to teach english, mow lawns and have a haircut day at the school! This is pretty amazing news as Haiti is on my bucket list! In addition, I will have the oppportunity to meet both of our sponsor children! Also on my bucket list! ;)

Monday, May 28, 2012

I don't know if anyone will actually read this. I am new to the "blog" world. Apparently another "thing" I should do as a preacher's wife haha. I am a brand new PW and just started reading You can still wear cute shoes by Lisa McKay. After looking at her page I felt maybe I should try this as it seems a lot of PWs are.
So here we go...